Princess Parties Vancouver

The Fairies are Coming out to Play

It’s that time of year, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are in full bloom. That can only mean one thing – the fairies have come out to play!

Fairies are magical, whimsical creatures, often getting into mischief. They live in small trees, found behind fairy doors. If you come across one, make sure you keep your eyes wide open. Fairies are tough to spot and love to play hide and seek but can be coaxed out of hiding with music and laughter.

Fairies are busy beings, constantly hard at work. They blow away bad dreams, grant wishes and bring good luck to everyone they meet. They often like to take breaks from their busy days, and spend this time frolicking, playing, and sprinkling fairy dust.

Fairy Costume Party Vancouver

This is our fairies favourite time of year and they love to make new friends, so why not invite them to your child’s party?

They enjoy games, making art and music, and dancing in the garden. Invite a real-life fairy to your party and she will awaken your guests’ imagination with her fairytales of magic and adventure!

For the child who searches for fairies inside every flower, and under every toadstool, give them the chance to finally find one.

Host a fairy party today, and the memories will last a lifetime.

Let the magic begin and contact us to book a party!